Cardio Screening is a digital pulse wave analysis of your cardiovascular system that will provide you with critical information of your heart and circulatory system.
This simple, convenient, non-invasive test will show you:
Pulse recognition to identify any irregularities in your heart beat, plus how weak or how strong your heart is; ECG type reading
How well your aortic valve is working to ensure proper output of blood from your heart; ECHO type reading
Your pulse and resting heart rate
Your pulse height; which refers to the viscosity of your blood, to see if it is too thick or too thin
The arterial pulse wave form, to determine the elasticity of your arteries
The potential for arteriosclerosis or hardness of the large and small arteries
Your circulation analysis, which shows how much stress you have in your arteries and the amount of inflammation in your body
Plus your biological age, or how old you are inside your body